I am moving…..come and join me!

Hey everyone 

Well I’ve set up my meditation and healing studio so it’s time to upgrade the website with my upgraded life and I am inviting you to come and visit me.

As some of you know it’s been my mission to set ups wellness studio helping women overcome the debilitating status of chronic and invisible illness. I’ve got the experience well and truly so if you step across to my new website you will see the beginnings of a mindful healing life. 

At the barefoot goddess I mentor, coach and guide women away from chronic pain and towards a mindful life journey using a whole different array of mindfulness tools, books, events, workshops and courses.

I want to change the face of living with invisible illnesses and my path is now set so come across to http://www.thebarefootgoddessau.com and join my tribal party……subscribe for the month of October/November and you go into the running for a number of special launch party gifts as well as the Goddess Box.

Well don’t just sit  there come across and say hi on the new website and mention you have followed me from WordPress and I will put your name in the prize draw twice.
See you all over there
Harmoni u

That Goddess Energy – It Fills Me Up Everyday!

And just like that…I ventured into the auras of my upcoming ascension and this is what I saw and felt to a tee through image and words…….
The Goddess energy is a place inside me that has, until now, been hidden. It’s the spark of my intuitive truth. It’s what connects me to Mother Earth and to my human body. It’s the solid foundation that I live on.
This energy is because of the Goddess in me has planted her feet and spread her wings. The more I become in tune with my higher self, the deeper I can go in to the dreams and consciousness of the healing visuals of meditation. I dig my feet into the earth deeper knowing that the vibration is there for me to hold universal healing power for all. I do this, because of the perception deep within myself now, owning my MAGIC. As I step further into releasing my remaining fears, doubts and worries I know that by owning my humanity, I welcome in an even greater divinity of light. This light as I step higher is even more pure and it has more magic hidden where I now sleep. 
As I let myself loose, to wander even higher cliff faces and grassy knolls, I become even more creative and passionate about helping others. This gives me such a freedom filled with wild and deeper experiences, connecting deeper and deeper with beings from many different realms & dimensions.
As this goddess in me awakens, I am allowing my divine masculine energy to rest. There is no more need to fight him. No more need to have pain inflicted on me by him. I am free to create. Free to flow as it is now the time for the awakening of my feminine queen goddess energy. With the deeper and illuminating violet light emerging, I am glowing with an amazingness of the abundant universe. This life truly keeps flowing keeps me feeling connected because I am! These thoughts, feelings , actions and visuals through other realms and dimensions can not be wrong through my intuition but in fact is my emerging intuitive knowledge of myself knowing that I am here to save the world. Yes, I that’s right through this my upcoming ascension I am here to SAVE the world.

If you are looking for a intuitive healing mentor to help you navigate your own ascension- hit me up at http://www.facebook.com/TheBarefootGoddessAU
Namaste 🙏🏻 


What does blogging about living with your chronic illness do for you?

A important question for you all to ask yourselves?

Initially I began blogging about living with my chronic illnesses because I wanted to show the world how horrific and debilitating it was to be stuck in the darkness of despair 24/7!

I then began connecting and working with many different people from doctors and therapists to mentors and friends! I started waking up! I started waking up to me…..what I found was continuing to blog and write about being chronically and invisibly ill kept me being just that – CHRONICALLY & INVISIBLY ILL! That’s not I want to be known for, that’s not what I want to be!

So I stopped – I started blogging about the good stuff in life – I started blogging and writing about the stuff that’s important – THAT IS HEALING, LIVING & LOVING! 

Wandering this journey I am making an impact in my life , I am making impact on other people’s lives and I am raising much needed awareness and support on a grand and global scale!

We don’t get anywhere by being miserable and talking, writing and blogging about misery everyday !

I am now a world renowned writer, speaker intuitive healing advocate known as the face of invisible illness! Yes I am known globally as the face of invisible illness – not for laying in the pain and suffering BUT because I stood up and took action!

Want to walk with me……come and join our revolution because it’s what’ life is about!

Harmoni  💋

Meditation Helps To Breathe Wellness Into Life….

I want to talk about two things tonight that I know a lot about! Those things are suicide & meditation. 

I want to talk about them because many people still gloss over meditation as a treatment for suicidal thoughts and urges. They seem to think meditation is too easy! However, I want to educate the world that those suicidal thoughts and urges can and will overwhelm people when life fills mind and body with too much noise. However when meditation is used in conjunction with other forms of mental health assistance, it is a very powerful tool and I will show the world that.

The idea with meditation is to relieve the mind of negative thoughts, so that focusing on the present can clear pain and suffering. There are many types of meditation and I have been very busy developing a project which I am about to launch. This project will endeavour to help all those struggling with their mental health. Allowing them to strengthen their minds and evaporating the dark thoughts from health and life.

Across the next month, I will be tempting you to what I am creating so that when we launch – we can together breathe wellness into life using the art of meditation. 

I hope you will wander with me, allowing your meditative breath to find wellness in mind and body.

Much love & healing
The Barefoot Goddess 
Follow me at http://www.instagram.com/the__barefoot__goddess


My Third Eye Awakening……

I’ve been striving  to enlighten the darkness that I’ve lived in for way to many years by diving deep and even deeper into the unknown of me. I’ve had some knowledge about the intuitive interface that is within me but nothing truly is preparing me for what is embracing my present stance. All I know is that my inner most torch of curiosity leads me forward.

You see, coming forward has meant awakening me as I was created all those years ago. Healing, learning, loving and finding more about my true purpose has opened my third eye.  Finding the key to unlocking my third eye and my true purpose has been life changing, as it has really allowed me to show the world who I really am and what I am here for.

That unlocking was just a few days ago……and wow I’ve been asking myself since what exactly has happened……because a lot of weird shit has been happening!

Going deeper to find some answers, I’ve learnt that our third eye is a gateway to spirituality and  by opening it, we open ourselves up to the spiritual realm.
Since opening my third eye up, I have begun to see things, I have started experiencing and feeling things around me. These experiences and feelings are entities that have always been around me, but now that I have awakened my  third eye I have a spiritual connection that allows me to see them.
This next step of my journey has opened up some fears that I am not actually sure about. You see, I feel I’ve awakened my consciousness that allows me to pass through the barriers of the physical realm of the present moment and it’s letting me go beyond.  What have I opened up in myself I am not sure, but my strong intuitiveness tells me that I must keep delving deeper. Something deeply imbedded in me is downloading as I write this, telling me that I have a chance to find a lost part of my personality that has long waited my attention. These last few hours have been excruciating with severe pain and discomfort not knowing what it could be? I don’t want to let go because if I do, I may lose some important part of me that needs to be seen and heard.

So with this new level of fear and somewhat excitement I look forward to finding more aspects of me that have been deeply buried. I know already that there is going to be positive outcomes that bring so much happiness but I also expect there is going to be things that scare the hell out of me but I know what comes forward is what needs to come forward for me to wander further on this journey of life for me and so many others across this globe.

So, if you are like me and you are working on healing and learning more about you…..let the clearing take place. Open up and let’s experience the magical moments that make the journey roll through. I would really like you to share your experiences with me about when you opened your third eye.

Much love 
The Barefoot Goddess 

Reshaping, Reprogramming & Healing My Broken Brain…..

I haven’t been here for what seems an eternity!

WHY???   Well, I’ve been busy working on my new website, my book and many other things BUT mostly I’ve been working on me…..

Working on me, I’ve learnt an amazing process that has allowed me to improve myself in all areas of my health and it has been gradually improving my life to an extent that is simply unimaginable ( and no, I haven’t found a magic potion). The process is neurosculpting and basically it is learning how to engage both mind and body to connect, reshape and reprogram the neural pathways with positive choices and intentions. Let me tell you, when you have lived with Functional Neurological Disorder with symptoms that include seizures, no balance, brain fog, mycolonic jerks and paralysis just to name a few. 
Stepping out and following the plan that creator Lisa Wimberger gives in her book ” Neurosculpting- A whole brain approach to heal trauma, rewrite limiting beliefs and find wholeness” I have been able to truly for the first time begin to heal my brain. Being able to start the real healing I am beginning to reprogram my brain so that my brain and body will again communicate and work as it should. 

Neurosculpting isn’t magic and can pretty much be learnt by anyone who’s willing to try it out. If you’re able to commit to the steps that are described in the book and through the trainings that Lisa holds you’ll be like me being able to change how you see yourself and how you perceive living in the world. These two factors can make or break your possibilities and opportunities in life.

I never thought I would find a modality which could give me a real healing process. But I have and I am truly grateful…….and I would absolutely tell others that have been living with FND or other invisible illnesses to have a look at this way of healing for themselves.

If you would like any more information or details you can find the neurosculpting institute across on social media or perhaps have a look at the website – http://www.neurosculptinginstitute.com

I am so impressed, I have begun doing the prerequisite classes so that I can learn even more about the brain and this profound healing process and it’s my goal to fully heal and become a neurosculpting facilitator.

So you’ve read my review for neurosculpting, how about trying it for yourselves.

The Barefoot Goddess 🙏🏻

Seven Daily Habits

7 daily habits, that will change your life;
1 – wake up 
2 – complain less
3 – teach others
4 – roll with change
5 – be on time
6 – practice kindness
7 – stay positive

Life according to me, in thought and action……

Living life according to me in thoughts and actions looks and feels something like this;

  • I try to keep everything simple, but when I want to achieve something, I do it with all my heart! That sometimes, goes awry.
  • I am a over-thinker. Letting the truth, be told I have 100s of imaginary scenario playing in my head  at any one time….sometimes this makes situations more difficult than it should be but well this is how I am and it’s how I make the magic happen.
  • Health and life issues will always challenge me, as I aren’t someone who keep things to themselves anymore. I used to hold it all inside until I became toxic to anyone or anything, now I will confront the challenges head on, till I am facing back in the right direction. I am real and raw and that’s not always easy, but it’s the difficult times that push me back through to better days. Although I know life can’t be perfect, it’s the want of perfection that makes think a lot which at times causes the challenges that mess up particular situations.
  • I am one of the best listeners. I can listen to others stories all day, everyday and I  will listen to every story with keen interest even if it’s about something I don’t understand. I know the importance of listening and I want others to reciprocate that.

So this is me and this is how I wander the shores of the globe preaching and teaching about my experiences and beliefs. It may not be normal, but what is normal anyway!

Much love

Harmoni 💋



So You Have A Diagnosis of FND……WHAT’S NEXT ?

So you’ve got a diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder! GREAT – but how quickly, that elation diminishes- well it did for me! I soon had many more questions than when my array of symptoms was initially being worked out.

So there I was, I had a diagnosis, that even my initial neurologist didn’t know much about. She sent me home with the name of a website, medications and lots of referrals. I was paralysed down my right side, unable to use my right hand, loss of balance finding it dreadfully hard to walk even small areas without falling, that was just the tip of the iceberg of what was happening to me! I was totally needing the assistance of my husband…..BUT, I had to wait weeks for my referrals to let the only known treatments begin…..and those weeks seemed to last a lifetime! The treatments did finally begin and yes, I have progressed well but I am still left with bouts of debilitating symptoms that would floor even the strongest of people.

Sorry to ramble, but this is a similar journey for so many people also affected with FND. It’s very frustrating, scary and lonely but finding a GP and neurologist that you can trust, so that you can keep an ongoing relationship with over time is so very important.

This is why, I’ve decided to go public….very public on my healing journey with FND. Everyday, I am involved in my treatments that include NeuroPhysio, OT, speech and psychological therapies. If that’s not enough to concentrate on, I am also beginning to create and launch what will be a globally known research foundation with a connected healing centre. I want to bring thorough research for more reliable ways, firstly for making the FND diagnosis. But I want to then, have a better platform for educating neurologists and general practitioners around the world about how to educate and connect appropriate treatments to suit individual patients. With a better platform for medical doctors, I feel that a much better awareness and support system will be able to be put into play for patients and their carers. There are a number of patient support groups popping up across social media now and I believe these are wonderful links to help people connect with others that are living with similar but different issues with the same disorder. 

However, for me to be able to do this I need a bigger support network. Across, the globe there have been sports stars and celebrities, who have succumbed to debilitating diseases. They have helped awareness and research foundations for their particular medical conditions, set up amazing platforms. I don’t have that profile….but I do have the determination because I am a survivor of this condition and with your help out there, I know we can build people power in bringing what so many that battle FND need for healing health and life.

If you haven’t connected on social media, please do so and let’s beat this beast of a disorder;



Walking & Talking for ME and YOU,

Harmoni 💋

Our lives are perfect, just the way they are….📸🎞📸

So over this last week, I have had to stop. I’ve had to stop because the dreaded winter cold and flu caught and tagged me. With this downtime I started to think about how many of us are addicted with the best and beautiful people in social media……you know the one’s, fit tanned bodies, beautiful children, perfectly clean and styled homes. 

Well in my opinion when we scroll, we compare ourselves to the beautiful and seemingly perfect social media photos and posts…..you know, all the tanned fit bodies, perfect children, perfectly cleaned and styled homes. Nothing is amiss…….as we scroll we hate them a little, but we also love to stalk on their perfect lives……wishing and dreaming that our lives were also that perfect, so we could be that happy too! 
BUT DID YOU KNOW, THAT YOU’RE WRONG……about your life! 
Our lives are already perfect……
Everything that we have right now has been created by US and WE have the power to love what we have OR to make the changes to get what we want.

What we see on social media, is that “grass is greener, on the other side” ideology. That perfect social media life that we think is out there is not going to make us happy. Because that life is someone else’s life. Yes, sure let’s follow, like and be inspired by what we see….but how about we stop wasting time wishing we had what these other people have  and really, truly create our own amazing journey of life…..because that’s exactly what we all have.

If you follow me on social media…..you will find raw, real and authentic me. I want to show the world what it’s really like…..no glitz…..no glammer but yet how I can live a damn amazing life.

Can’t see through the maze of what’s on social media and reality……let me help you break down some of the walls so you too can see that your life can be just as amazing, or perhaps better than those social media faves, that you currently stalk. Email me at harmonishakti@gmail.com and “let’s make life shine with amazement”.

Let’s also connect on social media if we haven’t already here;




Much love

Harmoni 💋