Essential Oils; Mankinds First Real Medicine…

Across modern time, humans very often have looked for healing tools in all the wrong places. The most powerful tools  for healing are found right here on the green fields of earth! Mother Nature knows more than we humans will ever know and she provides everything we could ever need to heal, maintain and protect our health. Something synthetic, made from chemicals in a lab will never work better than what nature creates.

 Essential oils were mankind’s first medicine. I have read that the practice of using essential oils dates back to ancient Egypt and even the bible references them, particularly with the oils of frankincense, myrrh, rosemary and hyssop being used to anoint and heal the sick and wounded.
Essential oils are liquids that have been distilled from plants, seeds, bark, leaves, flowers and fruit. 
Benefits of essential oils are endless and give an abundance of therapeutic and medicinal aid. Here are a list of the benefits that I’ve come up with;

  • Essential oils contain little bubbles of oxygen (molecules) that help transport important nutrients to weakened cells. 
  • Essential oils are powerful antioxidants.  Antioxidants create unfriendly environments for free radicals.
  • Essential oils are antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic. Essential oils have been proven to destroy bacteria and viruses and at the same time restore balance to the body. 
  • Essential oils  have the ability to pass the blood-brain barrier, meaning they can be effective for treating brain injuries and diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, functional neurological disorder just to name a few. This is why essential oils such as frankincense and sandalwood can help increase the amount of oxygen in the limbic system of the brain.
  • Essential oils are aromatic, so when diffused they provide air purification and remove toxins in the air. They also increase ozone and negative ions in the air that inhibits bacterial growth.
  • Essential oils help promote emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. Having diffusers running in my home I have noticed a definite rise in energy. My insomnia, fatigue and chronic illnesses have all been reduced since using the essential oils.
  • Clinical research has been shown that essential oils can quickly raise the frequency of the human body, restoring it to a normal healthy level.

There are many ways to use essential oils. One way is to use them through topical applications. On waking, I apply them to all my pulse points in the morning, and I will  reapply them multiple times throughout the day. One of my favorite essential oils is Peppermint. The peppermint plant is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linneaus in 1753. A high menthol content like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products. Using topically it allows for a immediate pick up. It helps focus and concentration. Place one drop in the palm of your hand and massage into the skin then inhale for a quick pick-me-up when ever required. It promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing.

 Using essential oil on feet is excellent because they are an area of the body that absorbs oils fast due to the large pores. Other quick absorbing areas are behind the ears and on the wrists.

 I’ve left diffusing oils to last because simply there are so many ways to diffuse. Firstly putting a few drops on a tissue and inhaling. You can dro a few drops into hot water and breathe the vapours in. You can put oils into a electric diffuser or use a oil burner. No matter how you diffuse, they are all great ways to utilise the benefits of essential oils. 

Essential oils are a journey that allows a beautiful healthy happy life in mind, body and soul. I wish you well in yours. If you would like more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me through email, or through my social media channels;

Sending an abundance of peace, love and natural healing to you all. ✌🏻❤️


Balance Its Crucial For Our Journey Of Life…..

Learning to find balance is something that I’ve had to work really hard on, but it’s also something that has allowed me to get through my hardest days living with pain, illness and disease. Today, I wanted to share some of my key pointers which have taught me to be more balanced with health, life but simply being me.

Living with multiple chronic illnesses has meant finding balance in a unstable journey of life, but one I am truly grateful for walking . I believe, I needed to experience the extreme highs and lows of life, in order to try out different things and find what worked for me as a individual. It was crucial to find what makes me sad, happy, infact it was crucial for me to find my whole true inner self. I now know that if I don’t feel like doing or saying something, I  don’t and instead I will do something like sit in silence through meditation or just simply chilling out with some TV or music. I know that one bad day or night isn’t going to have a negative impact  on my  lifestyle and journey. Learning to stay balanced helps me to stay content and  more able to concentrate on daily goals, future plans and visions. 
If you find yourself struggling to find balance, perhaps try the key pointers that have helped me ;

  • Switching Off The Phone can be one of the best ways to begin to find balance, because simply stepping away from the craziness of social media is great for the mind, body & soul. Not being in the social media busyness for even one day lets us concentrate on ourselves and what truly is important in our lives.
  • Step Outside on to the green grass with bare feet if you can, simply stand there in silence feeling the fresh air blowing through your hair and against your skin. The simple force of Mother Nature is another key pointer for allowing our bodies to feel more calm and balanced.
  • Stop, Reflect & Refreshing ourselves by taking time to think and write down what’s most important to us. To do this daily is a fantastic way to bring balance into a busy of hectic life. Practice writing your list of goals or perhaps start journalling to release feelings whether they are happy, sad or indifferent. Simply by stopping for ourselves we are equaling the scales of the journey that we are walking and when we do this , things start to fall into place.

So, that’s my three important key pointers that help me stay more calm and balanced. Of course, not everyday is smooth but when I concentrate on practicing these features life is calm, making me calm so that the path I move forward in remains calm and balanced.

I would love to know how you find ways to remain and live a calm and balanced lifestyle. Leave a comment and of course if you resonate with what I’ve written- hit the like button and share it with others that may need some help with bringing balance into life.
